Friday, January 30, 2009

We each have our own rules

Me: Hannah, it's very important that you ask before touching things that don't belong to you. Some of Mommy's things are special and I don't want them to get broken.
Hannah: Oh. Ok.

*runs to pick up a stuffed animal*

Hannah, eyebrows raised and very stern: You see this Mommy?
Me: Yes?
Hannah: Well you don't touch it! Don't EVER touch it! It's VERY FRAGILE!
Me: Ok, I'll be sure to ask before I touch it.
Hannah: Ok, because if you touch it without asking, I'll be very disappointed in you!
Me: Ok baby, I'll make sure to ask first.
Hannah: Ok, or we're NOT going to go to McDonalds and you CAN'T go on the climber.
Me: Understood.

1 comment:

fannie said...

your child is awesome.