Friday, January 16, 2009

Of genetalia, memory, and my lack of time machine

In the car on the way home yesterday:

"Momma? I don't have a penis."
"Nope! Boys have a penis, and you're a girl!"
"I want to be a boy."
"Do you want to be a boy just because you want to have a penis?"
"hmmm, yeah."
"Well, girls have special parts too you know, they're just harder to see because they're inside of your body. You have a uterus where you can grow a baby when you're all grown up you know!"
"Yeah! I do! You do to and that's where I grew before I was born!"
"And when I'm grown up, I can have a baby too!"
"Yup! If you want to!"
"But I don't remember when I was a baby when I was born."
"No, people can't remember when they were born sweetie. I don't remember when I was born."
"Oh. Well, I want to see me come out when I was a baby."
"Sorry, I don't have any pictures of that."
"Well, maybe someday you can see a baby being born."
"NO, I want to see ME being born."
"But you're already born, we can't go back and see it."
"But I WANT TO!"
"Well I'm sorry, I'm afraid we have no way to do that."
"Oh. Well when you're a baby I'll see you be born then I think."
"No honey, people only grow and get older, not younger."

1 comment:

Mama Pierce said...

i used to say to my mom all the time..."when i was YOUR mother...."
Like we took turns or something.