Thursday, August 18, 2011

Remember when you weren't fat?

Hannah: "Hey Mom? Remember when we used to live with Margaret?"
Me: "Yeah?"
Hannah: "I miss Margaret."
Me: "Me too; we'll have to visit her soon."
Hannah: "I remember when we lived with Margaret, and you were skinny."
Me: "When I was skinny? You mean I'm not skinny now?"
Hannah: "Well, you're not AS skinny."
Me: "Are you trying to tell me I'm getting fat?"
Hannah: "Only a little fatter. You're still mostly skinny but just a little bit fatter."

Well I guess that's something.


Caroline said...

I love your daughter. Miss you guys. (And you are totally skinny!)

Nexa said...

The fingers slightly apart hand gesture (only a little fatter) was the best part.