Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's all true, what you say

Hannah has been practicing pluralization lately, well, that and rhyming. Anyway, she's been practicing the plurals of words where the plural isn't just adding an "s" at the end. So she'll say, "Mama! There's one mouse, and two mice! There's one goose, or two geese!" She's doing quite well, if I do say so myself.

The other day, in the car, she pipes up from the backseat with, "Mama! There's one child or two chi-chi-chi....children!" I was very impressed, and told her such. Then came, "And sometimes children are called honeys! One honey, or two honeys!"

I didn't tell her that there was once a time when I was occasionally referred to as "a honey" didn't seem relevant.

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